
branch ACIDS & BASES

Coming from ACIDS & BASES
=pH= pH is the unit for measuring how acidic or basic a substance is. pH is actually stands for "the power of Hydrogen" because it is actually a measure of the relative H^+^ and OH- concentrations. ===pH is measured on a scale from 1-14=== [image:] The lower the pH the more acidic a solution is The higher the pH the more basic a solution is pH 7 is considered neutral because it has '''equal concentration of H^+^ and OH^-^ ions''' A strong acid releases more H^+^ ions and is therefore more acidic and has a lower pH. Increasing the concentration of an acid also increases the concentration of H^+^ ions making the solution more acidic / lowering the pH. A strong base releases more OH^-^ ions and is therefore more basic and has a higher pH. Increasing the concentration of a base also increases the concentration of OH^-^ ions making the solution more basic / increasing the pH. ==pH is a measure of the relative H+ and OH+ ion concentrations== '''Low pH = high H^+^ : low OH^-^''' '''Neutral pH = equal H^+^ : OH^-^''' '''High pH = low H^+^ : high OH^-^''' [image:]
Credit: Ben Himme